Darul Huffaz Learning Centre

Caring for your Quranic Needs

Tahfiz Junior

Tahfiz Junior is a 5-days program for children up to age of 12. It is a gentle and fun introduction to tahfiz for kids who have no background in tahfiz. 


This program incorporates activities and worksheets that assist the children in familiarising themselves in tahfiz. They will also practise the first 15 verses of surah At-Takwir. 

In addition, the will also learn about how Qiyamah will happen as laid out in the surah. And they will be exposed to some Arabic words used in the surah. 


  • Age 12 years and below
  • Able to recite Al-Quran


This program is conducted physically at our Centre.

Monday to Friday

10.00 am – 12.00 pm (2 hrs)

16 dec – 20 Dec


Program Fee: $100 (inclusive of material fees)
Registration fee : $20 (for new students)

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