Tahfiz JuniorRegistration Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Date: *16 – 20 Dec 2024STUDENT'S PARTICULARSDH Student/Ex-student *NoYesLast 4 figures of your IC *Example: 123AName *Blk/Hse Num & Street Name#Postal CodeDate of Birth *Gender *Please choose genderMaleFemaleMobile Number *For children, please give parent's mobile number.Email *For children, please give parent's email address.PARENT'S PARTICULARSPlease fill this section if the registrant is below 16 years old.Relationship to child: *MotherFatherGuardianParents's Name *Parent's Mobile Number *Parents's Email Address *How did you get to know about this program? *WebsiteInternet seachEmailWord of mouthInstragramFacebookTiktokConsent *I confirm that by providing my personal data and contact details, I express my agreement to receive messages via email from Darul Huffaz Learning Centre, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, until such time I unsubscribe from Darul Huffaz Learning Centre’s mailing list through Darul Huffaz’s webpage.TOTAL FEES PAYABLE Order Summary Item Quantity Qty Total There are no products selected. Date: - 16 – 20 Dec 20241$100.00DH Student/Ex-student - No1$20.00DH Student/Ex-student - Yes1$0.00Total$0.00 $0.00Submit