Madrasah Registrations Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Choice of Madrasah *Madrasah Mingguan (In Malay)Weekend Madrasah (In English)Pilihan hari Madrasah: *Sabtu, 2-5 ptg (12 tahun ke bawah)Ahad, 2-5 ptg (12 tahun ke bawah)Sabtu, 5.15-6.45 ptg (13-15 tahun)Apakah tahap pembacaan Al-Quran anak anda? *Tidak kenal hurufSudah kenal huruf tetapi belum boleh baca perkataanSudah boleh baca tetapi tidak lancarPembacaan agak lancarJika pembacaan anak anda agak lancar, mohon dihantar rakaman bacaannya bagi ayat 18, surah Surah al-Mukminun (mukasurat 343) melalui Whatsapp ke nombor 96365353. Sila nyatakan nama anak anda bila menghantarnya. Terima kasih.Your child's age in 2025: *7-8 years : Kids Level9-10 years : Tweens Level11-12 years : Teens LevelAll classes will be on Sunday, 9.30am to 12.30pm.What is your child's current proficiency in reciting Al-Quran? *Does not know how to readAble to recognize the letters but not able to read the joint lettersAble to read slowlyQuite proficientIf your child is already quite proficient in Quranic recitation, please send a recording of his/her recitation of verse 18, surah Surah al-Mukminun (page 343) through Whatsapp to our number 96365353. Do state his/her name in the Whatsapp message. Thank you.Is your child a DH Student/Ex-student? *Yes NoFull BC/IC of your child *For exam purposeFull name of your child *Gender *Please choose genderFemaleMaleBirthdate *Do you have to enroll your 2nd child in our Madrasah?YesNoChoice of Madrasah for your 2nd child *Madrasah Mingguan (In Malay)Weekend Madrasah (In English)Pilihan hari Madrasah anak kedua anda: *Sabtu, 2-5 ptg (12 tahun ke bawah)Ahad, 2-5 ptg (12 tahun ke bawah)Sabtu, 5.15-6.45 ptg (13-15 tahun)Apakah tahap pembacaan Al-Quran anak kedua anda? *Tidak kenal hurufSudah kenal huruf tetapi belum boleh baca perkataanSudah boleh baca tetapi tidak lancarPembacaan agak lancarJika pembacaan anak anda agak lancar, mohon dihantar rakaman bacaannya bagi ayat 18, surah Surah al-Mukminun (mukasurat 343) melalui Whatsapp ke nombor 96365353. Sila nyatakan nama anak anda bila menghantarnya. Terima kasih.Your 2nd child's age in 2025 *7-8 years : Kids Level9-10 years : Tweens Level11-12 years : Teens LevelAll classes will be on Sunday, 9.30am to 12.30pm.What is your 2nd child's current proficiency in reciting Al-Quran? *Does not know how to readAble to recognize the letters but not able to read the joint lettersAble to read slowlyQuite proficientIf your child is already quite proficient in Quranic recitation, please send a recording of his/her recitation of verse 18, surah Surah al-Mukminun (page 343) through Whatsapp to our number 96365353. Do state his/her name in the Whatsapp message. Thank you.Is your 2nd child a DH Student/Ex-student? *Yes NoFull BC of 2nd child *For exam purposeFull name of 2nd child *Gender of 2nd child *Please choose genderFemaleMaleBirthdate of 2nd child *Blk/Hse Num & Street Name *#Postal Code *PARENTS' DETAILSRelationship to child: *MotherFatherGuardianParent's nameParent's mobile numberParent's email addressHow did you get to know about our Madrasah? *WebsiteInternet searchWord of mouthEmailFacebookInstagramTiktokConsent *I confirm that by providing my personal data and contact details, I express my agreement to receive messages via email from Darul Huffaz Learning Centre, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, until such time I unsubscribe from Darul Huffaz Learning Centre’s mailing list through Darul Huffaz’s webpage.TOTAL FEES PAYABLE:$0.00Submit