Tahfiz Al-Quran
Master Quranic memorisation through expert guidance and dedicated support.
Islamic Education
Embrace comprehensive faith-based learning to enrich your spiritual journey.
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as of November 2024
- Number of students who finished memorizing the whole of Al-Quran: 29
- Number of tahfiz students who have sat and passed Darul Huffaz’s monthly tahfiz exam: 1,690
- Number of students who have khatam Al-Quran (finish reciting the whole of Al-Quran) in front of our teachers: 239
- Number of students who have sat and passed full time and part-time madrasahs’ semester exam: 2,390
- Number of students who have attended all our Islamic Courses (PPI, PPIL and CLIQ): 529

Bagus kelas ini. Sangat menafaat dengan penerangan ustaz yg jelas dan menarik.
Tafsir Course

The course was very good. The trainer was very knowledgeable and patience. I really learnt a lot from this 2 modules.

Alhamdulillah learnt a lot from it. Some doubtful understanding clarified.
Tafsir Course

It is good to know that our lesson is being recorded. This mean, we can refer and improvise our recitation after class. Even when class has ended, we still can refer to the recorded video.
Tahsin Al-Fatihah

Tolong teruskan khusus-khusus begini dengan masa dan kaedah online. Ia sangat bermanfaat bagi orang-orang dewasa yg ingin memperbaiki bacaan Al-quran kita. Jazakallahu Khairan
Praktikal Tajwid

I like how the stories were told with respect to the map shown today. It makes the history more alive. So we are able to see that these are stories that are happening to real places in the past, not just a myth.

Alhamdulillah ustaz has been very patience. He is very knowledgeable and he really want to see everyone read with correct makhraj. With ustaz’s explaination, i am now more cautious with my sebutan and also panjang pendek of the ayat.
Praktikal Tajwid

Alhamdulillah ana telah dapat menyelesaikan pengajian di madrasah. Sehingga setakat ini, ana dapat menghafal 11 juz Al-Quran selama 4 tahun di madrasah ini dan juga dapat memepelajari hukum-hukum Al-Quran, diniyyah dan semua pelajaran dalam madrasah ini...Sekali lagi ana mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada ustaz kerana telah memulakan kurikulum yang tidak dapat dilai dengan apa jua.

The slides contain a lot of information that take time to digest. Alhamdulillah they are easily available for students to refer to in our own time.

Interactive class encouraged student participation.

Ustaz Firdaus is an excellent teacher, he taught us in a way that the adults can understand better with a clearer and specific explaination and when theres questions being asked He answered it with ease, which helps to clear all our doubts and misunderstandings on certain things.

I Would personally recommend this CLIQ Course to my family and friends especially to those people who wants to Hijrah to be closer to Allah and to understand Islam, our religion better.

Kursus Tafsir

A very fruitful lesson from start to end. Alhamdullilah.
Kursus Tafsir

Saya tertarik kerana diselitkan doa yang boleh diamalkan berkaitan dengan sesuatu ayat berkenaan.
Kursus Tafsir